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    All illustrations by Melanie Elfert
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  • Melanie-Elfert-illustrator-DASH-magazine9.jpg.5000x600_q90

Berlin-Based Melanie Elfert creates illustrations using traditional drawing techniques with modern adaptations. Originally a trained fashion designer from the University of the Arts Bremen, Melanie decided to focus on illustration after having received numerous appreciations that motivated her to start her own business.

By incorporating different styles and techniques such as mixed media, ink or watercolour, Melanie allows her work to be more accessible to a broad range of clients. So far, Melanie’s work has been printed on a gift box for the State Divine and she has also provided interior wall paintings for a co-sewing space for fashion designers. Most recently, Melanie has been commissioned to draw a portrait of Michel Roux for the Vietnamese magazine Word Hanoi.


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