Bas Kosters 'Picture, Or It Didn’t Happen'

Bas Kosters ‘Picture, Or It Didn’t Happen’

Does ownership matter if you have a smartphone? Let’s say you are craving a new Moschino suit, and you go out to the shop, try it on and take a fitting room selfie. You put it on Instagram and Facebook. The world sees you wearing that suit. Is your digital entourage happy for you, or envious? Next point: Are you going to buy that suit, or does this picture brush up your persona in a way that might not actually need that suit?

An article just popped up on the internet about celebrities getting paid for wearing designer clothes to important events. My brand also does clothing loans for famous artists to make public appearances. The artists show up in borrowed clothes, and are portrayed. Their pictures appear on the internet. Famous people wearing designer brands is considered a marketing tool, does the same go for consumers? Is the strange relation between famous people and the clothes they wear inspiring consumers all over the world to do the same? And what does this mean for fashion labels? After all, if a picture alone is enough, why would we need to buy new clothes? Or can these fitting room pictures still be considered brand promotion? Is anyone in the end going to be inspired to buy that suit? I do hope so.

I, for one, do not like borrowing stuff; I’d rather own it. I borrowed a bag once and broke it – I felt so ashamed. The consequence is that I have to be selective about what I purchase, but I can be very content making something part of my wardrobe. But what is your wardrobe if there is just a picture? Or is your digital account your wardrobe, is it THE new wardrobe? I’m going to to Marks and Spencer’s right now to try on some socks, and take a photo. I will keep you posted.

Bas Kosters

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