Bas Kosters Dash Column 52 What a year

It’s party time, hurray!
This is my 52nd column, which means a year has passed since I am a columnist at DASH Magazine. What started out as some lighthearted texts to accompany my drawings became a more complete and signaling unity of words and image, in which I really found my way.

The year passed so quickly, and 52 is quite an amount of columns. When I go trough the folder on my computer, I am happy and surprised about all the stories we shared.

Next to my column’s birthday it recently was my own birthday too; I celebrated it at home with family and friends, got super exited – and passed out at eleven. How’s that for a party!

Funny how in one year, so many things can happen, life and death, love and tears, happiness and sorrow, every piece of the pie. For me the last year has been the clearest example of which ingredients can fill a global and personal year, but here I am, ready to burst into a new one.

A year filled with stories to share with each other, funny, happy and concerning ones about fashion and mostly about people; I am ready – are you?

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