DASH-Magazine.Amie Twiner-gender-illustration

DASH has teamed up with the talented London College of Fashion fashion illustration students  to create a train of thought regarding the topic ‘Gender / No Gender’ to be expressed visually in an illustration underlining the upcoming artists’ style of line. After Dominika DrotosFederica MicheliJosie PayneKit Skellington and Robson StannardXiuching Tsay and  Jessie Gardiner, this week we feature work by Amie Twiner. About her illustrations Amie says:

‘My illustration is of Ruby Rose, surrounded by words that relate to the transgender topic people may feel or have to deal with. My message I’m portraying is: No matter how you choose to look, what gender you are or want to be, everyone is the same on the inside, so we shouldn’t judge or discriminate that about anyone. Everyone should be allowed to feel equal and have the freedom to be whoever they want to be.’

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