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For this collection, Christopher Raeburn intends to take us on a journey through Mongolia, supposedly one of the last truly wild places on earth. Throughout, we see nods towards the idea, with graphic illustrations of snow leopards – the designer’s mascot of choice this season – printed over sweaters. He considered textures, opting for rich fabrics, in the same way the native nomadic herders do. Colours included rusty oranges and deep reds accurate to the Mongolian setting.

At the heart of Raeburn’s collections is always the theme of sustainability. He relentlessly re-uses and recycles materials, as is evident in the finale of this show. Made from recycled, shredded snow-camouflage ponchos, this huge oversized coat is snowball shaped as well as coloured – definitely the show stopper in an otherwise really very wearable collection.

Jessie Gardiner

Illustrations: Robson Stannard

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