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Reference N°1, treated denim, ca 2000, Tel Aviv, Israel, above the caption, a window box showcasing the mentioned sample of reference and next to it a model gazing down on the viewer opens the Faustine Steinmetz 009 collection at the Topshop show space within the Tate Modern. This is how faustine introduces her signature textile denim in its diverse usage throughout 30 years in different countries and cultures worldwide.

The references presented a span from the classic used denim from Seattle, USA, and diamant-embellished denims from Bogota, Columbia, to a Canadian Tuxedo dated from 1990 to 2017, all inspiring Faustine to reimagine the textile, filtering these traditional techniques into more contemporary designs. Each outfit was labeled with date produced, treatment used and most crucially, whether it was handmade or industrially produced, showcasing yet another emblem of the French designer – sustainable production.

As always details were highly considered by Steinmetz, with treatments being used not only on the garments, but furthermore in both shoes and detailing as well as the models’ individual make-up, with Swarovski diamonds outlining the facial structures, as though they were a jeans’ back pockets.

A collection of a classic basics reimagined to enlighten the relevance of denim from times past to the unforeseeable future with detailing and attitude.

Words: Giulia Susana Koller

Illustration: Christy McCormick

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