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    Yeashin Spring / Summer 2014
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Korean-born designer Yeashin Kim started her eponymous label ‘Yeashin’ in 2012. With her second collection to be shown at Fashion Scout, the LCFgraduate and one of last season’s ‘One’s To Watch’, she mixed her 1960s passion with folksy, Russian inspiration.

The looks comprised of short, smock dresses with ballooning sleeves, neat pleats and cute sailor hats, all set to a theme tune of traditional Troika music. The overall finish was sickly-sweet, with sugary colours and shiny fabrics combining to give the look of a princess Barbie- ultimately girly.

The finishing touches pumped the feminine factor up further, as pieces were finished with an excess of pearly beads, white laces, and plenty of frills alongside the models demure plaits the collection exuding a doll like innocence, reminiscent of a fairy-tale or Russian folklore.

Annie Price

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