Label of The Day – Starstyling

“Serious? Never. Fun? Always!”. Tongue-in-cheek duo Katja Schlegel and Kai Seifried are the Berlin-based curators behind Starstyling. Table cloths, socks, magazines, glow sticks and confetti created their fashion mocking Autumn / Winter 2014 collection at Berlin Fashion Week. Chantal Adams


Effeminate psychedelic Berlin-based label GLAW emerged in 2011 after founders Jesko Wilke and Maria Poweleit graduated from ESMOD Berlin. Their inspiration and vision juxtaposes power with fragility – the epitome of a 21st century woman. The label zoned in on

Label of The Day – KTZ

Previous DJ Sasko Bezovski and Central St Martins graduate Marjan Pejoski combined forces to create the fashion and music cult, Kokon to Zai. Autumn / Winter 2014 at London Collections: Men was a powerful statement with out o’ space vibes.

Label of The Day – Starstyling

“Serious? Never. Fun? Always!”. Tongue-in-cheek duo Katja Schlegel and Kai Seifried are the Berlin-based curators behind Starstyling. Table cloths, socks, magazines, glow sticks and confetti created their fashion mocking Autumn / Winter 2014 collection at Berlin Fashion Week. Chantal Adams


Effeminate psychedelic Berlin-based label GLAW emerged in 2011 after founders Jesko Wilke and Maria Poweleit graduated from ESMOD Berlin. Their inspiration and vision juxtaposes power with fragility – the epitome of a 21st century woman. The label zoned in on

Label of The Day – KTZ

Previous DJ Sasko Bezovski and Central St Martins graduate Marjan Pejoski combined forces to create the fashion and music cult, Kokon to Zai. Autumn / Winter 2014 at London Collections: Men was a powerful statement with out o’ space vibes.
