• Illustration by Viktoria Marie

Illustration has and always will be the language of the art industry, it allows the world to see, talk and inspire visually without a word. Caroline Seidlerunderstands the journey of illustration and that people need a starting point to create visual sustainability. Presenting a variety of extremely talented illustrators and practitioners throughout her website, carolineseidler.comprovides ‘visual creative ideas for advertising, design or publishing industries’.

Caroline’s illustrators provide images to be read and to communicate a story, you are invited in by each brush stroke and use of colour, then given the freedom and flexibility of request. In a quaint aesthetic the website presents its illustrators with their own personalised bird illustration. Easily laid out, the viewer can browse the variety of styles and imagery that is offered from illustrators such as future DASH contributer Blagovesta Bakardjieva, Viktoria Marie, Claudia Meitert or LULU.

Why the bird? We would like to think a symbol of artistic freedom, or perhaps Caroline Siedler’s ongoing ethos, that traditional and contemporary methods have an ongoing connection, that offers sustainability within the visual language. Creating a platform and accessibility for illustration in the industry is an action that we at DASH Magazine root for. By combining new ways of networking with traditional forms of art, the skills and inspiration of other practitioners, just like the ones presented by Caroline Seidler, can be created into something beautiful.

Amy Hancock

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