With a series of interviews with young designers. who showed at last year’s Fashionclash Festival, we’d like to explore what their dreams, hopes and positioning are. Today with Croatian Maria Kulusic.

Hello Maria, how are you today?
I just came back from a small journey a few days ago so I am very well. Nothing fills me up with more energy as travelling and discovering new places and cultures.

How does your own description of your designs differ from others’?
It is not that different but I don’t want to put my aesthetics into a specific frame as people often do. My design is usually described as complex minimalism, and I truly do have a minimalist approach to design. But with every new collection/concept I discover something new about myself that takes me somewhere completely opposite from the previous story I’ve done.

What the most important aspect in your design process?
Each step is important, but the one that needs the most time – and time is luxury – is sketching; developing a concept until I feel comfortable with it. That’s is a great issue big fashion houses have nowadays, where designers stay for a few seasons only before quitting. It is hard to keep up and create so many collections in such a short period throughout the year and be pleased with it.

What are you most proud of?
The things about to come, I hope. I am proud with the fact that I’m fulfilling; that hard work, a lot of effort and persistency can get you far.

We see a lot of change happening in the fashion industry at the moment – brands are going from a men’s and a women’s to a single collection and with the ‘see now, buy now’ strategy sales and distribution is affected heavily. Where do you see this going and how do you position your brand within the changing system?
You should do what you are most comfortable with and I don’t judge. I’m okay with everything. Fashion is a reflection of our times, society and cultural changes, and today everything is available, so the ’see now, buy now’’ strategy doesn’t surprise me. It has its benefits but in my opinion fashion desperately needs some mystery that has almost vanished completely. I would love to keep that mystery going as long as it’s possible.

If you could give the younger you advice, what would that be?
To be more ambitious and to apply for more competitions aimed at young designers – that can really help – as well as to work even more and seek for opportunities everywhere; to have courage and not be afraid of failures as they happen for a reason and are a precious experience.

Where do you see your brand in the future?
Hopefully growing and expanding. To do what I’m comfortable with and to be able to live from it – that is my main goal for the future.

You participated in last year’s Fashionclash Festival. What was this experience like for you and what benefits were you able to derive from it?
To have met various aesthetic, talented, supportive and above all positive people. I love the idea of showcasing all those young designers juxtaposed in one place. Fashionclash led to great visibility of my brand, and such a lot of people contacted me after wanting to know more about my design.

What are your life goals, your biggest dreams and high hopes?
To see my brand improving and being recognised for the right reasons; to travel and smile a lot, see new places and cultures and be surrounded with the ones I love.

Thank you for your time.

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