• Marcel Ostertag Autumn / Winter 2013

Marcel Ostertag is a German designer who draws his inspiration from nature, encounters with interesting people, travels and foreign countries – but never forgets his roots.

His fashion is exclusively produced in Germany, as his credo is “quality needs control”. That is what Ostertag’s style demands and you can feel it in every piece. Here Marcel talks to us about both his addictions and passions.

NoéMie: Catwalk shows in Shanghai, Beijing, London and Vienna have become routine for you, as has your seasonal show as part of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin fashion week. How do you keep up?

Marcel: I keep up by being fresh, nice and human because that’s the most important thing for me. I’m a really nice person, I’m not a fashion bitch like everyone else. I’m still myself and I don’t take fashion too seriously.

N: Good, that’s the way to be. Does Quality need control?

M: I not only produce my collection in Germany, I produce it in Bavaria because it’s important to not just reach quality standards, but I want to push the German Industry. If I were to change my place of production, I would never would go to Asia; I might go from Germany to Italy but not to Far East or somewhere similar. It’s important for me to do it here because I love my country so why should I produce my collections anywhere else if there are possibilities to do it here.

N: How does it work financially?

M: Well, I think, it’s still a hard business. It’s hard, it’s tough because Germany isn’t a fashion country.

N: What’s your concept?

M: I don’t have a concept; I just want to make women pretty, beautiful, sexy and gorgeously glamorous.

N: If you could have lived in a different era, which one would it be?

M: I think the 1920s or ‘70s…

N: The ‘20s? The glamorous ‘20s?

M: But the thing is. I didn’t live in the seventies. If I had, I would be dead now so… I’m all for excess. Just imagine if I had been an adult in the ‘80s, oh my God. It would have been crazy so thank god I wasn’t.

N: Berlin is still crazy.

M: Berlin?

N: In the noughties. How do you like your eggs in the morning?

M: I don’t have breakfast so I’m not an egg type, but I do like them fresh.

N: What have you been inspired by? What’s coming up in your Autumn / Winter 2013 collection?

M: Basically, it was a really crazy idea. One of my best muses and clients bought a castle in Scotland; she’s a real rich bitch. I thought why not throw a party there. It has a sort of Scottish under-theme, it’s not really in your face, but it’s daring.

N: So can we expect a little bit of Alexander McQueen?

M: No.

N: Good.

M: I loved Alex but, no, it’s not Alexander McQueen, I don’t do couture, I just do something completely different.

N: You’ve lived in Munich and London yet show in Berlin – what are the pros and cons of these two metropolises?

M: That’s the question everybody asks.

N: Really? We can skip it?

M: I hate Berlin because I’m an addictive person. I drink a lot, I eat a lot and Berlin is the city of sin. That’s why I love Munich, because I am centered on work, I have time to work and I love the area.

N: Protected from your own sins.

M: Yes and I’m a family person and, it may not look like it, but I love nature, I like fresh air. Berlin is always grey and dirty. I’m not a Berlin fan.

N: You walk the catwalk yourself – how does that feel?

M: I love it; I will continue to do this until I’m in a wheel chair. So if I can’t walk anymore, I’m not doing it anymore. When I started it at Berlin fashion week, it was a game for me, but now it’s a passion. So I really adore it; I have fun, I enjoy myself and I think the audience really feels that. I’m not a clown, I’m doing it professionally.

N: But it would always only be for your own designs?

M: No, I would do it for other designers as well.

N: What’s next for your brand?

M: Well…I don’t know.

N: Any plans for next year?

M: No, I don’t plan, I just enjoy myself.

N: Thank you so much.

Interview: NoéMie Schwaller

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