
An alien dressed in metallic rings and geometrical shaped plates, a fiercely reborn modern Cleopatra or simply a woman wearing Jane Bowler‘s Autumn / Winter 2016 collection. Her designs – works of art – play around the use of everyday materials and fabrics, put together in a surprising and unexpected collection.

Two pieces feature the most recurrent style, but the catwalk welcomes also short dresses and trousers. Metal makes the body static, black and white fringes falling down give a ultimate tendency of movement to these hybrid looks refined by edgy accessories like metal headwear, intriguing masks and contemporary chokers and earrings. Chains run around necks, climbing on the models’ chests covered by printed tops, refined with transparent or bronze plates.

While triangles and circles make the main shapes, black and blue catch the attention more than any other colour. Elegance has now become aggressive, tribal, fresh and punk.

Giulia Burti

Illustration: Marcell Naubert

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