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  • DASH-Magazine-John-Smedley-aw-1617-Robson-Stannard-1

Celebrated for their creative yet classical approach when designing knitwear, John Smedley, during the first day of London Fashion Week, exhibited a simplistic, elegant womenswear collection full of ribbed trousers, scarves and tailored jumpers. All designed to be worn in mixture with one another, creating a unique layered effect.

The presentation was divided into different categories depending on its very own sophisticated colour representing the ‘Spectrum: The Artistry of Knit’.

A flush of deep burgundy accompanied the monochrome feel with soft greys and black, all of which mimicing the collection’s inspiration of the British Abstract Movement during the 1930s. A piece that caught our eye has to be the long gloves and turtleneck jumpers – making loungewear so elegant – any fashionable woman will desire to wear at any occasion.

Words: Davina Motion

Illustration: Robson Stannard

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