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On a meta-documentary level, Swiss-born, New York-based Salome Oggenfuss’sThe Other Side Of Fashion Week explores the personal and social implications of international show season on a number of obsessive observers who – fully consciously – live life through a rose-tinted lens. As one of the featured photographers remarks, “I’m not in the real world, and I enjoy it.” From the outside, literally staring in, the four amateur photographers portrayed and accompanied at New York and Paris Fashion Week talk honestly and passionately about their love of high-fashion models and their para-social relationships.

The film is currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter here and is in need of an additional USD 25’000 to become the uniquely insightful documentary feature the trailer below promises to be. As the Kickstarter says – literally translated from German – “Who doesn’t honour the penny, doesn’t deserve the dollar.” Or to put it with Tesco, “Every little helps.”

The Other Side Of Fashion Week Trailer from soggenfuss on Vimeo.

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