Bas Kosters 'The New Floral'

Bas Kosters ‘The New Floral’

Do you remember Kim Kardashian’s most talked about outfit at the Met Gala in 2013? It was a head-to-toe floral outfit; some people compared her to a couch, even robin Williams tweeted that he wore it better as Mrs. Doubtfire.

This week Marni presented the new floral at Milan Fashion Week. At the show, fashion editors could buy a Marni flower bag and flowers at the Marni flower market – proceeds went to a good cause. Even though it looked a bit like Chanel’s supermarket, it was still a charming publicity stunt.

So, the new floral, although we were all wearing Hawaiian floral patterns last season (especially the gents), the flower always seems to find its way back to the runway. Don’t think Laura Ashley, or your Nan’s dresses, but a new, modern, bold floral, like the ones shown at Marni. Maybe floral prints are the most intriguing prints in fashion and textile? You either hate or love it. And the ability to re-occur so often and in so many different outcomes – but always floral – is something that you could call rather fascinating. But, then again, nature is…

Bas Kosters


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