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Thou Shalt Not

In the inevitable progression of time, change is the only constant. The ten commandments carry a definite set of rules cast stolidly in the stones of time. However, It is not about the reoccurring battle of whether the ten commandments are archaic or contemporary, primitive or modern, old or new. It is about the desire to attain this ‘perfect’ way of living through our fundamental imperfection and through the evolution of time.

Being inherently flawed, perfection is impossible to attain; yet we do not cease our endeavour to achieve this. As a result, perfection becomes a destruction of experimental outcomes. And despite this, we live by these rules of perfection in our flawed way.

Spring/Summer 2016 at Max.Tan explores the possible outcomes from getting out of the captivity of artificial rules and standards. When there is no conformity, there is a greater room for growth. It all comes down to the core of design ideology, building up from basic forms, light, line works, contrast and stripping over-finished garments. In order to gain, one has to let go. In order to improve, one has to take a step back. To design without the design in mind is still a form of creation.

Undesign. Thou shalt not design.

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