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‘I think of my clothing as sculptures,’ says Saudi Arabian-born designer Razan Alazzouni. True to her word, most of her collection is formed of clean cut, elegant edges. Combined with this are panels of beautifully detailed pattern, inspired by Persian rugs in this Spring / Summer 2016 collection. There are also waves of sheer material skirts draping to the floor and meticulously embroidered. Alazzouni often takes women themselves as her inspiration, meaning her work is always very feminine displaying qualities such as delicacy and elegance. She also uses smooth, luxurious textures like silk and chiffon, reinforcing the idea that woman are soft and sensitive. The collection is mostly made up of muted tones on the colour palette, with the exception of a dash of red or orange.

Jessie Gardiner

Pictures:  Olesya Asanovar

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