
“This business is only for the tough, so you need to be sure you’ve got the guts to handle the highs and lows,” asserts Charlene Campbell. A philosophy well applied to the business of life itself, Campbell speaks specifically of the formidable one of fashion. “You can’t be afraid to chase… that’s how you get results.”

And results is exactly what Ms. Campbell has gotten. From tender-footed intern to successful stylist to the stars, the journalist-cum-stylist climbed the stilettoed industry with what she calls ‘incredible focus and determination’. In her book, aptly named Intern to Stylist, published this year by Style News Ltd, Campbell calls upon her experiences to draft a field guide for those who want to get their own finely heeled foot in fashion’s closet door.

“The idea for the book came after realising the lack of information out there for beginners. My first experiences in the business have totally shaped me into being the business woman I am and so a styling guide was only natural. And most importantly I wanted to do something that would help other students and interns that are probably in a very similar situation to the one that I was in. I was book smart with fashion but didn’t have the practical hands-on knowledge required to deal with working as a stylist.”

From advice on how to advance from merely organising the fashion closet to commandeering it, to the roles of all of the people communicated with on a daily basis, to explaining why and how to follow trends, the book is half-crib-notes, half-bible and all informative.

While Campbell says she is glad her career took the path it did and all experiences were ones to be learned from, she hopes the book helps those overwhelmed at the outset. “There weren’t any stylist beginner guides telling you how the industry runs, and how to navigate it and I felt like I needed to share my knowledge with fashion’s newbies.”

And Campbell assures that despite the high and lows and exhaust of the chase, the results are well worth it. “The best thing is seeing your finished product. For example when a fashion story you shoot goes to print in a magazine, it feels great to see the beautiful fashion images you created and incredibly rewarding.”

Intern to Stylist has been available at Topshop stores since March 25th.

Meghan Mardon

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