
Art Direction and Photography Nicol Vizioli, Model Martine Lervik, Photography Assistant Jonathan Rose, Hair Takuya Marimoto, Makeup Naomi Nakamura.

As a result of having a musician father, Micol Ragni grew up playing instruments like the piano and the cello from the age of six. Even though music proved to be a major influence on Ragni, she soon realised that it would be difficult to perform in front of a live audience, and that’s when she transitioned into fashion. After spending four years studying fashion design in Italy, Ragni moved to the UK, and graduated from the Fashion Design University of Creative Arts in Epsom in 2011. After interning for the likes of Julien McDonald, JP Braganza, and Christopher Kane, the designer finally found a way to combine her love for both fashion and music, and designed costumes for the likes Tori Amos, the Puppini Sisters, and Marisa Monte as well as taking part for designing the costumes for the London’s Olympics closing ceremonies in 2012. Ragni worked as both a designer and production consultant for various luxury brands before setting up her own label in 2014. Music is not Ragni’s only source of inspiration, and her work stems from the research of creating new silhouettes, structures, and volumes from the close inspection of geometry and mathematics.

Nada Abdul Ghaffar


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