• David Handley – d.handley2@arts.ac.uk
  • David Handley – d.handley2@arts.ac.uk2
  • David Handley – d.handley2@arts.ac.uk4
  • David Handley – d.handley2@arts.ac.uk3

DASH gets a moment to catch up with Dave Handley, right after he won third-place at DRAW FASHION.

Dave, how does it feel to be recognized by DRAW FASHION at this early stage of your career?

It’s great to be recognized for such an award, especially when there’s so much talent! And to be selected for a fashion illustration award really does show how much fashion illustration is evolving, as my drawings and concept wouldn’t usually fit to the traditional ‘fashion illustration’ norms so it feels great to be put on this platform.

How do you feel about fashion illustration today and what does it mean to you?

Fashion illustration right now is super exciting. There are no rules or limits, which lets the artist be as creative as possible, again developing unique concepts and drawing styles to really be innovative and push boundaries

Does illustration help inform any other skills you have?

Illustration can help in all aspects of my design, developing concepts, and really pushing my drawing styles to create a strong body of work, which I could then develop into print design or bringing my illustrations to life using 3D product design, which is something I’ve always had a passion for.

Traditional format, mixed media, or technology-infused illustration?

I use the traditional drawing equipment, pencils, pens or fine liners, these are the staples in my pencil case, but I think there’s so many ways to experiment with different materials to create pieces of art.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I have a love of textiles – print design, graphics, illustration, and 3D product design, so in five years time I aim to continue working in this ever-evolving, exciting industry.

Interview: Nada Abdul Ghaffar

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